…What is the most weirdest thing you can find for sale on EBay? (LINK)?
I think it is this:…
lol! I won't be buying one!What is the most weirdest thing you can find for sale on EBay? (LINK)?…
alrighty then...
oh and…
workers compo notes!…
vintage 1975 pet rock in crate (currently 2 bids)
I have seen gimp masks for sale on there but what if your head is too big ?? Not that I am a authority on them but if your going to wear one at least make it a nice fit.
a chewed bubblegum by Paris Hilton..
My friend told me once that someone was selling a lock of a celebrities hair on eBay.
Dancer costumes...
an box of fresh Zebra farts
One of many M.J's noses!!!!!!
I won't waste my time looking but one of my friends said that there was a used dildo on there once. Ew!
a piece of taost with the face of jesus on it
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