Thursday, July 8, 2010

What's something that would be kinda gross to find for sale at a yard sale?

My slightly used Diva Cup.'s something that would be kinda gross to find for sale at a yard sale?
Old panties, dirty socks, lactating bras where milk had leaked abundantly, thongs, and of course just like the previous answer, used sex toys.What's something that would be kinda gross to find for sale at a yard sale?
underwear, tooth brushes, toilet brushes,

half bottles of shampoo, used bar soap,

open box of tampons
A diaper pail with dirty diapers still in it.
Used underwear (even washed)!
A Diaper Genie
The person's old retainer.
Underwear with skid-mark stains that have not quite been able to be washed out....
2nd hand condoms
somebodys old dentures
used porta potty
dried up severed penises
I saw a plaster cast of a foot at a yard sale once.. that was pretty gross.
Used condoms....washed out
slightly used diapers...or maybe yellow sheets
someone's used underwear.
yeah, that would be kinda weird finding adult toys... that's been used
Badly worn out undies : )
Adult toys
dirty panties(it has happened once, i don't go to yardsales anymore)

Old Moon Pies

A gun rack with padded bras
Left Overs from last nights dinner!
A used urn.
a baggie full of tooth brushes and a used tiolet brush
Poo on a Stick!
A Urn
used sex toys
used foam cups...
a blow-up doll with a tire patch on her titty

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