Monday, August 16, 2010

Why are there so few greyhound puppies for sale?

I can find no one selling them, I can find almost every other breed but not greyhoundsWhy are there so few greyhound puppies for sale?
I always see a ton of them up for adoption, they are so adorable I want one so bad but don't have a yard! There will be a ton for adoption in MA soon, because we voted to ban greyhound racing in the state which is so awesome, but sadly people that race the dogs will probably put them in shelters because they won't be any value to them anymore.Why are there so few greyhound puppies for sale?
The reason there are so few pups for sale is because there are very few pet homes suitable for a large sighthound.

They are not the breed for everyone, they DO love to run, and will every chance they get, they are large, intellegent and they shed.

That said, start your search here
There ARE show %26amp; lure coursing breeders that sell pups (most register with AKC which makes them ineligible to run on the track) However they are not numerous and I suspect they don't advertise much. Most Greyhound (fact most sighthound) breeders only have a litter every 4-5 years so i would suggest contacting one of the field trial clubs, as they frequently function as a unit to find good homes for pups. this is a website for the national governing body for lure coursing and they have a member club list

Now the warning: GREYHOUND PUPS are MONSTERS - its true that adult sighthounds are placid %26amp; layed back but the pups- OH MY! My personal theory is that they don't get into mischief much as adults because everything possible to do they DID as pups

PS to second poster- greyhounds do love to run - I've been to too many field trials see the greys pulling like mad to get onto the running field to think otherwise

edit: 53 pups listed for sale on NGA home site - found in 5 second research (took longer to count)
There are THOUSANDS of reputable %26amp; responsible g-hound breeders.

You haven't contacted the PARENT club,have you?Or your local kennel club....just putter-azzed around on-line or the local want-ads.

G-hound racing fans will *NOT* touch show-bred dogs!

The breed ranks 127th on AKC's list of registration numbers %26amp; number 2 in lure-coursing.
It's true that there are very few 'show-type' Greyhound breeders around. Most are bred for racing. Contact one of the Rescue organisations who may be able to refer you to somebody who has puppies...... better yet, rescue an ex-racer. There are some young ones who won't race and are retired early. My neighbour has a beautiful 3 year old (he's now older than that) black boy who simply refused to race!! Wise lad. He has a wonderful home.

Sigh - thumbs down..... why do I bother? Seriously I've just checked the KC lists (no puppies listed) but there are a small number of breeders on Champdogs. Might be worth contacting one of them to see if they have a litter planned? Assuming, like some, you wouldn't touch a 'show type'. lol
It's because they are all being sold privately by selected breeders to racers that pay a lot more money for them than you would. And you need a liscence if you are going to race them so only the racers know about the breeders because they dont want to sell them to ordianry people.
Greyhounds are used for racing, you can find a lot of them that need good homes in Greyhound Rescue Centers.

Try this website
Because they get snapped up so quickly for racing, you can find pleanty of older ones in greyhound rescues :)
Try a Greyhound Rescue.

Purebred Greyhounds are rare.
there are loads where i live?

perhaps is just a local thing? where do you live? look further afield
becuase they are bred for 1 are bred for the sport....just like the japanese tosa's are bred solely for fighting in would take u over 1 year to buy a tosa puppy from japan...japan takes pride in there fighting dogs and it is almost like a secret society...although there are tosa's in america...they are not the same...characteristics changed from poor breeding in america....2 reason japan uses tosas are 1...they never give up...2...they fight quiet...which they need because it is illegal to fight dogs in japan guessing there is a similarity in the grey hounds...just look at the bulldog...he is so confused...he was bred to fight..he is all muscle...he is a gladiator....and now nolonger fighting...he is confused with himself:)

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