Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does any one have german shepherd puppies for sale?

Find a good breeder referral by going to or talking to people at dog shows. This is a breed that can have hip and aggression problems - you should get the best one you can!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

You can also find info about the breed clubs on the akc site - they probably have a rescue group where you can get an older dog for less money.

The best breeders will be members of their breed club, promoting healthy dogs with great temperaments. They should ask you a bunch of questions to make sure their puppy will be getting a good home. If all a ';breeder'; seems to care about is whether your check will clear, you can be sure he won't care a week later when the pup is dying from distemper or parvo and you want your money back.

Whatever you do, DON'T go to a pet shop, a flea market or buy one sight-unseen off the Internet!!!! You'll pay top dollar for what is usually a poor quality puppy mill dog that is often sick and may have falsified registration papers. And you'll be supporting one of the cruelest industries in the country.鈥?/a>Does any one have german shepherd puppies for sale?
NINE!Does any one have german shepherd puppies for sale?
Are you planning a B-B Que?
check craigslist:
why do you want a German Shepard specifically? If I were you I'd go down to the shelter, because there's some really sweet animals there that if nobody adopts them, they'll be put down.
go to the AKC web sight they have a breeder referal list. never buy a dog from the pet store
nup not really
For a small fee you can get german shepherds, and all sorts of sweet companion dogs from the Animal Shelter.

If nobody adopts them they'll be put to sleep.....or in bad places, taken to an experimnetal lab. Yes it's true!

And please NEVER EVER buy from a petstore, as tempting as it is !!鈥?/a>
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